CR8tracer is a free utility for tracing bitmaps. This application is meant to transform a bitmap image into a smooth, scalable postscript file. It accepts raster images or bitmap graphics format (BMP) as input and produces high-quality scalable images of EPS, PS, GFS and SVG formats. A typical use is to create PostScript files from scanned data, such as logos, handwritten notes, sketches, art, etc. The resulting image is a scalable and smooth outline of the bitmap that can be used in several applications fors producing typefaces, line art, scalable clip art, etc. It can then be rendered at any resolution.
CR8tracer has many options for output and tracing. This application works perfectly with "Type light" - a free OpenType font editor from the same developer. CR8tracer is helpful for those who are not much familiar with the Type light's built-in editor for creating or editing glyphs. Using this tool, the user can import a glyph created in any normal bitmap editor and saved in BMP format. CR8tracer is useful for converting such BMP images into Type light's readable GFS format, which can be later imported into Type light as a particular glyph of the Typeface, making up a whole font file.